Two terrific resources to use in a variety of ways:

  • use for your own study
  • share with a friend
  • use as small group training
  • leave for people to peruse on their own

Booklet 1
10 Questions to Ask When Exploring Faith With God

Beautifully designed with short responses to ten key questions.

For example — Is God real? — Is the Bible true? — How is Christianity different from any other religion?

Click here to see a sample.

Booklet 2
10 Steps to Take in Your New Relationship with God

Beautifully designed with ten next steps for new (and growing) followers of Jesus.

Each step includes a key truth, short description, key verse, key quote, and next step.

Click here to see a sample.

A resource like this could cost between $10-$50 as you have the freedom to make AS MANY copies as you want.

I want this resource to equip and encourage you, and I don't want anything to hinder that from happening, so you choose what you pay!

(REALLY? Yes, really! Technically the system requires a minimum payment of $1, but you choose to pay any other amount. And if you have the financial means, feel free to pay a little extra to cover those who cannot.)

Booklets like this are great discussions starters. Build relationships by asking questions.

Contact me with any questions and Lets Make Disciples!